GenArts Saphire v10.0.0

GenArts Saphire v10.0.0 for After Effects (RePack)

MAGIX Vegas Pro 14.0 Build 161 AI 

Over 250 effects
GPU-accelerated for Nvidia CUDA cards
Multiprocessor support
Full floating point image processing/support
Intuitive user interface

What's new in version 10:
Brush (Brush:Oil and Brush:Chalk) simulates the look of drawing and painting by layering brush strokes of different
sizes and directions.
Luna renders the Earth's Moon; you can adjust phase and colors, and add atmospheric effects.
RomanTile generates a mosaic pattern based on the Source clip.
S_Effect now has Mask and Background inputs. In AE the mask input is compatible with AE paths.
Improvements to Builder:
- Mask and Background nodes have been added to every effect.
- Nodes can now be snapped to a grid.
- Preview selected node now remembers its state across Builder sessions.
- Duplicating a node now creates a nicer name.
Improvements to Preset Browser:
- "Builder Effects" button shows all multi-effect presets.
- "New" button shows all presets added in the current version of Sapphire.
- Some older presets have been deprecated and hidden. Visit the Settings dialog in the Preset Browser to show deprecated presets.
- Previews no longer animate by default, press play to begin animation (animation will continue if another preset is selected).
InfiniteZoom now handles large values of Twist and Zoom better.
Show widget checkboxes now work in all effects.
The license-tool can now perform offline license activation on the command line.


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